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... Shaq er hálviti! Ég er búinn að missa alla virðingu fyrir þessu risavaxna barni.
ESPN: Do you ever see the day where it would be possible for you to sit down, have a talk with Kobe Bryant?
Shaq: Who?
ESPN: Kobe Bryant.
Shaq: You know what I am not familiar with that name, I know a lot of names and I have a lot of names in my head, but I am not familiar with that name. Especially if there is nothing to talk about, I'm sorry I can't recall that name.
Sandkassaleikur segi ég.
... Shaq er hálviti! Ég er búinn að missa alla virðingu fyrir þessu risavaxna barni.
ESPN: Do you ever see the day where it would be possible for you to sit down, have a talk with Kobe Bryant?
Shaq: Who?
ESPN: Kobe Bryant.
Shaq: You know what I am not familiar with that name, I know a lot of names and I have a lot of names in my head, but I am not familiar with that name. Especially if there is nothing to talk about, I'm sorry I can't recall that name.
Sandkassaleikur segi ég.
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