Jæja krakkar, þá er bara dagur númer tvö (2) runninn upp á þessari heimasíðu já. Ég ætla að reyna að halda mig við þann sið að segja helstu fréttir af ferðum mínum, sem og veðri líðandi stundar. Ég er ennþá atvinnulaus en það stendur allt til bóta. Ég las nýjasta newsletterið frá Jim Rohn (Heimasíðan hans)og hann gaf mér auka styrkt í baráttu minni við hin illu öfl samfélagsins.
Veðrið er ekki til fyrirmyndar. Ég lít út um gluggann og það er 3/4 ský og svona 10 gráður. Vindur er lítill.
Yo yo yo where is my hoe. This is day number two (2) on my lovely homepage yes. I´m gonna try to tell ya´ll the latest news of what I´m up to, as well as the current weather. I´m still unemployed but I have a feeling something is about to change. I just finished reading the latest newsletter from Jim Rohn (His homepage) and he gave me strength to fight the evil powers that surround us all.
The weather is not great. I look outside my window and it´s about 3/4 clouds and the temperature is in the low 50s ... again.
Gengi des ka. Konischiva. Vakaranai. Sayonara. Chinh Ching. Chinko Manko. (This is the Japanese I know at the moment. I realize that my spelling is completely wrong but I´m working on it. If you want to make correction, please contact me at haukurhauks@hotmail.com)
Veðrið er ekki til fyrirmyndar. Ég lít út um gluggann og það er 3/4 ský og svona 10 gráður. Vindur er lítill.
Yo yo yo where is my hoe. This is day number two (2) on my lovely homepage yes. I´m gonna try to tell ya´ll the latest news of what I´m up to, as well as the current weather. I´m still unemployed but I have a feeling something is about to change. I just finished reading the latest newsletter from Jim Rohn (His homepage) and he gave me strength to fight the evil powers that surround us all.
The weather is not great. I look outside my window and it´s about 3/4 clouds and the temperature is in the low 50s ... again.
Gengi des ka. Konischiva. Vakaranai. Sayonara. Chinh Ching. Chinko Manko. (This is the Japanese I know at the moment. I realize that my spelling is completely wrong but I´m working on it. If you want to make correction, please contact me at haukurhauks@hotmail.com)
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